Here Comes The Bus®
What is Here Comes the Bus & why might I need it?
Here Comes The Bus is an easy-to-use website and app* that enables you to see the location of your child’s school bus on a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer.
You know when the bus is near your stop, so you can send your child out at just the right time. If your district has the Student Ridership service as well, you can use the Here Comes The Bus to see when your child has scanned on and off the bus.
Is the information private and secure?
Here Comes The Bus uses HTTPS, just like a bank or online store, which means that all communications between your web browser and the site is encrypted and secure. (That’s what the S in “HTTPS” stands for – secure.)
How much does it cost?
Here Comes TheBus is available at no cost to all families in any school district that has purchased the service. That’s right, it’s free for unlimited accounts for families! That means grandparents, babysitters, neighbors, and friends can share the data.
Do I need separate accounts for each of my children? Or separate accounts if we all want to be notified separately?
You and your children can access all the information about the buses and on-bus scans (if your district also has Student Ridership) you need using just one Here Comes The Bus account.
Which school districts are using Here Comes The Bus?
Here Comes The Bus is used by parents and school administrators nationwide. SEE THE MAP
How does it work?
Here Comes The Bus uses global positioning system (GPS) technology to locate and track your child’s school bus. It is powered by software from Synovia Solutions, who are experts at tracking data, which they’ve been providing to fleet managers across North America since 2001.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up for Here Comes The Bus only if your school district is participating in the service. They will provide you with a school code to access the Here Comes the Bus website and app. If your school district does not have Here Comes The Bus, please send them a link to this Web site and urge them to investigate becoming a customer.
What are the difference between the mobile app & the website?
The primary difference is how you access the data. The look and feel are different on a mobile device for better on-the-go use.
You can use mobile and tablet apps anywhere you can use a mobile device.
How can I get my district to add Here Comes The Bus?
Talk to other parents to help spread the word. Many of our current customers have come on board following lobbying by parents and, in some cases, even students.
Be sure to discuss it with decision-makers, such as your superintendent, school board members, and transportation director.
Share with them that you want Here Comes The Bus at your school.
Student Ridership
What is Student Ridership? Why might I need it?
Student Ridership is student-tracking software that can be accessed through the Here Come The Bus app, which enables you to see when your child has scanned on and off the bus, offering you the peace of mind of knowing that your student safely made it on the right bus in the morning and got off at the right stop in the afternoon.
Is my student’s scanning information secure?
The Here Comes The Bus website and app, which hosts the Student Ridership information, is encrypted and secure to keep your child’s scanning data safe. Student safety is at the heart of our mission, and securing the data is essential to our business.
How much does it cost?
Student Ridership scanning notifications are available at no cost to all families in any school district that has purchased the service. Again, this service is FREE to parents after the school district becomes a customer.
How do I get the information about my student’s scans on and off the bus?
You use the Here Comes The Bus website and mobile device app, which enables you to view when your child scanned on and off the bus on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
You also can receive push alerts and email notifications that identify your child’s bus number and time and location of the scan.
How does it work?
How Student Ridership works depends on your district’s setup. Some school systems have a barcode or RFID proximity readers on their buses and provide barcode cards or RFID cards/fobs that the students scan as they enter and exit the bus.
An alternative to the barcode and RFID readers is Synovia Solution’s mobile data terminal (MDT) also known as our tablet, which enables the driver to select the names of the students as they board and exit the bus. Students can also use Bus Pass to scan their barcode ID on their smartphone.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up for scanning notifications only if your school district is participating in the Student Ridership service. They will provide you with a school code to access the Here Comes The Bus website and app, through which you will receive your student’s data.
What is Bus Pass?
If your school district has barcode readers on the buses, your student can use Bus Pass to place their barcode ID on their smartphone via the Here Comes The Bus app – and then scan on and off the bus using Bus Pass.
How can I get my district to add Here Comes The Bus?
Talk to other parents to help spread the word.
Be sure to discuss it with decision-makers, such as your superintendent, school board members, and transportation director.
Share with them that you want Student Ridership at your school.